A collection of musings and short stories to chronicle and celebrate my life path and the many interesting characters I have met along the way!
Friday, December 22, 2006
on death and dying
I attended the funeral of my friend's mother this week. She was only 51. Too young. Too beautiful. Too needed. One can never make sense of this kind of loss but try to get beyond the initial shock and pain and somehow learn to get on with life in some way. You never get on with life, you just learn to deal with the loss the best you can.
I looked into a man's eyes today that installed a window in our house. He was the nicest man. As he was leaving, he wished me a Merry Christmas. I returned the sentiment and as he was turning away to leave, he muffled "I sure hope next year is better than this one." I don't think he expected me to inquire but I did. I always do. "Why, did you not have a good year?", I asked. He went on to tell me he had lost his wife, his son, his father, his cat and his dog all in the last two years. I gasped. This man needed to talk. I needed to listen. As we stood in the doorway, I learned this man had just recently buried his son who was only 32 years of age. The grief this man was enduring must be over the top. His doctor encouraged him to take some pills to help him cope. I was appalled. Doctors are too quick to want to prescribe a pill for everything these days- even grief. Grief needs to be felt, to be heard and to be healed. It's all a process. I participated in part of his process today. I was glad. He sighed and started to cry on my doorstep. I squeezed his hand and he thanked me for listening. I thanked him for sharing. He went on his way.
Christmas may be a happy time for kids and adults alike but it is painful for people who are missing their loved ones. Instead of thinking of ourselves all the time, be aware that we may be passing someone who is suffering in the mall or on the street. We may be passing someone who is feeling lonely or lost. Pay attention and be compassionate. Always. Not just at Christmas time.
Mr. Beasley
I lost a best friend of mine years ago when we moved to a new home.
Mrs. Beasley, or Mrs. B -
first name unknown and unimportant.
Mrs. B was my pal.
I often wonder where the dear soul ended up,
I presume somewhere between Moxley Crt.
and Burris St.
Indeed, I'd never suggest my mother somehow helped her find her way into the garbage.
I would never do that. But as my Ma will admit herself, she has a way of these type of accidents happening.
I don't blame anyone, especially now that I have kids. You tell them to pick up their toys one too may times , and all prized possessions become vulnerable. What seems like garbage to a parent, is a sacred keepsake to a child, regardless of how dirty and gooey, and so it should be.
Needless to say, Original Mrs. Beasley was lost.
I convinced myself that somehow Mrs B. found her way into a needy child's arms to live happily ever after, once she fell off the moving truck.
A few years ago, I came into possession of Mrs. Beasley again. It was delightful. The marvels of e-Bay !
Although she was exactly as I remembered her : frizzy yellow hair, blue and white polka dot outfit, fancy bib and 2 pairs of granny glasses...1 for special days, the gold ones with real glass, and black spectacles without glass for everyday... she paled in comparison to my original.
The smell of playdough, cookies and sisterly goo was gone from her. She is a more pristine version of my best friend from years gone by; but, I enjoy our reunion and let my children play with her whenever they like, in hope that the kid smells come back.
In September I became and Aunt to a most darling little boy, Fischer.
I have still not found the words to describe my love for this little person. Much like a child of my own, but without the pressure ! The best of both worlds I suppose.
And as an unexpected bonus to Aunthood, he fits into Mrs. Beasley's everyday glasses perfectly !
As a little girl, I always longed to know the Mister of Mrs. Beasley.... that was always a mystery to me. Where was Mr. Beasley ?
Well, I found him...... Fischer E. Beasley.
How do you do Sir ?
- by Carrie M.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
tree of hope

- to avoid gossip.
- to give thanks at meal-times and never say "I'm starving" because I truly don't know what that feels like and I hope I never will.
- to make time for people I love.to look in the mirror and make funny faces at myself often and embrace my laugh lines.
- to end my day with sigh of gratefulness.
- to always look out for people who may feel lost and help them find their way.
- to never turn down an opportunity to have a big belly laugh (minus the belly) which leads to my next wish... to love the skin I'm in but make more efforts to lead a healthier/active life.
- to always remain humble and grounded with the belief that we are all equals.
- to challenge myself to face and conquer at least one fear this upcoming year.
- to have more patience with telemarketers and salespeople- they need to earn a living too.
- to afford myself the luxury of chocolate only once a week.
- to spend less but feel more enriched than money can buy.
- to make a new tradition with my hubby that we must stop, sit and kiss on benches we may come across in our travels.
- to adore this growing baby of ours each and every single day of our lives.
- to continue to do things for myself that nurture my mind, body and spirit.
- to actively engage with young people and know what's on their minds.
- to promote myself to people who need a listening ear.
- to give my Grandma much time to talk about herself when I am in her company.
- to never stop believing in miracles and that the human spirit is still alive.
- to be me. to know what's best. to contribute to the greater good.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
friends are like flowers

friends are like flowers in the garden of life.
Are you a daisy, are you a rose, are you a dandelion?
You can be what you'll be, I'll be what I am.
We will be friends in the garden of life."
I used to sing this song in grade 4. I would sing at the top of my lungs, together with my classmates. I thought if I sang as loud as I could, it would hold more meaning and my dear friends would know how I felt about them. I used to look around the classroom as I sang it aloud and smile at my friends while I sang my heart out. Today, I still sing the song. I believe friends are truly like flowers. They all represent something different in your life. They are all unique and colourful in their own way-adding up to one beautiful bouquet.
I consider myself to be much like a dandelion. This particular flower is a pest to some but tolerated by others! (hehe). I happen to love them because they are often overlooked! The colour yellow represents hope, cheer and sunshine. It also represents mellow yellow; someone who is laid back and relaxed. On the negative side yellow can also mean cowardly. Yes, I am fearful and cowardly at times. If I were to visit the land of OZ, I, too, would ask for courage like the cowardly lion. Dandelions are resiliant, resourceful and can adapt to most conditions. They are hardy, stubborn and steadfast. It takes a lot to get rid of them! A dandelion might not be as pretty as a rose but nevertheless, they are nice to look at.
With Love & Friendship xoxoxo

This is me with one of my very best friends.... I think she is a gerbera daisy.. my favourite flower of all.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mommys and Angels

Obviously, I cannot fit her on our tree nor do I think she'd want to hang out there all season long. I thought a good option might be to cut out a picture of her face and glue it over the angel's face that currently resides in a box. She is yearning to be put to work so she had better be okay with sharing her identity temporarily with my mother.
Truly, I cannot tell you how much I love this woman. She is an angel in my life who flutters around me daily when I cannot be with her. When I am with her, she lifts me off my feet with her presence.
When she first set eyes on Fischer, I could see what was happening before me. As she looked into my baby's eyes, she welled up with tears. She saw her baby girl all over again. That's me! I knew what she was thinking and she confirmed this. It must be a very unique experience to have another baby in your life that resembles your own child at birth. WoW. Powerful stuff.
Mom, I can't tell you how much I believe you are an angel on earth. God put you here to make people feel loved and to always see the good in people. You are the most sacred gift of all.
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." - Lincoln
xoxoxox Your daughter xoxoxoxox
Sunday, December 17, 2006
my favourite Christmas specials...
Scrooge- how could I forget this Christmas memory! We'd spend many a Christmas Eve's with my father's uncle Johnny and his family in Grimsby. I would love to visit them. Judy, their daughter, was a little older than Carrie and I. We'd take note of her stylish clothes an

Donny and Marie Osmond were our all-time favourite performers of the '70's whether it was Christmas time or not! We used to crank the music on our dad's "record player" and sing along. Or should I say, Carrie got to bellow it out while she kept me in line and made sure I didn't "out sing" her. I think Carrie truly believed she was Marie Osmond as she would close her eyes with pretend microphone in hand and give the performance of her life. Towards the end of the record, she would get generous and say- "Okay, it's your turn Laura!" I would gear up for my part and say "Good....night.... ever-y-bod-y", as I tried to stretch my part out as long as I could. I would do a little curtsey and that would be the beginning and end of my performance.
Every year on Christmas we would put on a show for our family. One year, we used a song from The Osmond's Christmas Show of '78. Our cousin Larry was a good dancer too for a boy. Carrie would stand in the middle of us, being the eldest, and we would take her cues. It was a big event! We began singing and dancing from side to side, "It never snows in L.A. so Santa don't bring me a sleigh, I'll leave a key by our door cause there's no chimney anymore...." a standing ovation soon followed!
These classic Christmas specials remain so close to my heart.
I looked forward to watching them every year with my sister.
May you always hold close your Christmas pasts- including favourite traditions and memories. They are yours to cherish for many years to come!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
kindred spirits

My home life was challenging during this time. My parents were recently separated. Mom worked very long hours to try to make ends meet. She was hurting and trying to cope with her own feelings about the divorce. We remained in touch with dad but it was hard on all of us living apart now. It was my older sister Carrie who was often left to look out for me. She had a hard time because I used to give her a run for her money. I was a kid that couldn't stand still. I was a curious creature who needed to be out exploring the world at a very young age. My parents were in their early thirties during this time. Wow- now that I am an adult and around that age, it puts a completely different spin on things. I can't imagine having to part ways with your spouse when there are children involved. It was very difficult for both of them.
Friday, December 08, 2006
a blended family
I look around. I feel peace. I feel love. My blended family is beautiful. I would not ask for anything more. People say divorce is difficult. Sure it is. I remember. It wasn't all bad either though. I have more siblings, more parents and most of all I have lots of people to love.
Love makes the world go 'round.
Monday, December 04, 2006
our five senses
1) sight- no couldn't give that one up because I see too much beauty in my surroundings. I see my husband's loving gaze, my baby's sweet rosy cheeks, my parents' beautiful laugh lines, the sunlight and moonlight, flowers blooming. There is just way too much around me to see and to love!
2) hearing- no definately couldn't part with this sense. I love to hear people's laughter and song, the raindrops on my window at night, the waves on the beach, the words I love you and good night from my father, the sound of children squealing with delight as they run by, the sound of music to my ears. No way. Couldn't give this up.
3) taste- oh my love for food and drink! I can't imagine not being able to taste chocolate, or a ripe watermelon or nectarine, a juicy orange, a sour lemonade that makes your cheeks pucker, or the yummy taste of cheesy PIZZA! My favourite food of all!
4) smell- to go without the ability to smell would be very difficult too. No more following your nose to the nearest bakery for a fresh loaf of bread or cinnabuns, no more picking a flower stem for the love of your life and smelling it all the way home, no more smelling of a baby's soft scented hair and skin or the aroma of candles, baked goods and evergreens on a Christmas night.
5) touch- I definately couldn't sacrifice my need for touch. I am soothed by touch. The touch on my shoulder from an old friend, the soft carress from my husband as he greets me hello, the sweet kisses from niece and nephew goodnight, the tender backrubs from mother and the hugs from grandma that always warm my heart.
Bottom line is.. all of our five senses are equally as thrilling, as beautiful and as important. Tomorrow pay attention to all of them and cherish them. They are yours to keep- your five senses that will keep you in touch with the world that surrounds you.
Good night xoxoxox
Sunday, December 03, 2006
on being good enough
He has a new look- a twinkle in his eye when he squeals with delight at the mere sight of us. It amazes me to think that no matter how good we are to this little babe, it is his understanding that we are flawless. It is all he knows and it will always be good enough - in this stage anyway! I ask him to be patient sometimes as I fumble with his clothes and don't take them off as good or as quickly as I'd like or when I can't always determine his needs when he cries. I must say it is pretty wonderful to have a little person love you unconditionally no matter how quick, on the ball or flustered I may become.
Each day that passes, we grow more familiar with one another as we become a family unit.
I pray we will take each day as it comes and embrace all the small treasures and rewards of parenting and may Fischer enjoy all of the small treasures and rewards of being a new person in this world.
It all adds up into something really wonderful..