Obviously, I cannot fit her on our tree nor do I think she'd want to hang out there all season long. I thought a good option might be to cut out a picture of her face and glue it over the angel's face that currently resides in a box. She is yearning to be put to work so she had better be okay with sharing her identity temporarily with my mother.
Truly, I cannot tell you how much I love this woman. She is an angel in my life who flutters around me daily when I cannot be with her. When I am with her, she lifts me off my feet with her presence.
When she first set eyes on Fischer, I could see what was happening before me. As she looked into my baby's eyes, she welled up with tears. She saw her baby girl all over again. That's me! I knew what she was thinking and she confirmed this. It must be a very unique experience to have another baby in your life that resembles your own child at birth. WoW. Powerful stuff.
Mom, I can't tell you how much I believe you are an angel on earth. God put you here to make people feel loved and to always see the good in people. You are the most sacred gift of all.
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." - Lincoln
xoxoxox Your daughter xoxoxoxox
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